About Us


Sunday - 10:00am Worship Service | Wednesday 6:30PM / prayer Mon-Fri 7-10am / Bible Study wed-thu 9-10am

Attend and Learn About Us!

Rock Springs Worship Center is a non-denominational church making a big impact on the cities of Rock Springs, Green River and all around Southwest Wyoming.

We care about you: We offer you an environment in which we help you heal, grow, develop your gifts and talents... but above all, your relationship with God through Jesus!
You will hear clearly what the Bible says - not man's opinion, be encouraged as you trust and practice it, and discover the surprising potential God has placed in you!

More than anything else, we want you to experience the explosive power of God's love FOR YOU!

Here, you'll find reminders of our weekly announcements, services, archived messages, and special events, so that you don't miss a thing of what God has for you!

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE, and to contact us if you need anything

pastorhughes@ymail.com - (307) 329.7240

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