

Sunday - 10:00am Worship Service | Wednesday 6:30PM / prayer Mon-Fri 7-10am / Bible Study wed-thu 9-10am

Rock Springs Worship Center Leadership

Rock Springs Worship Center is blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will. Following are brief bio's of our leadership team and their qualifications for ministry.

Arlen & Tiffany Hughes

Senior Pastor

Pastor Arlen has served as Abundant Life Fellowship's Senior Pastor since 1993. Prior to that, he served as Associate Pastor of Sinclair Community Church.
Also Pastor Arlen & Tiffany pastor Rock Springs Worship Center since 2007

The attributes that best describe Pastor Arlen as a pastor are strong compassion, leadership development and love for people. He has expressed a burning desire to lead a church like Abundant Life Fellowship/Rock Springs Worship Center where the Word Of God is embraced, encouraged & demonstrated, with members who care about the needs of those around them and who want to connect others to the body of Christ.

Pastor Arlen takes worship and preaching of the Word very seriously, spending the first hours of his day focused on Prayer & Bible study.

He graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center in 1985 and returned to his home town in Saratoga Wyoming to begin his ministry.

Pastor Arlen has been happily married for 25 years to his wife, Tiffany.

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Pastor Arlen has served as Abundant Life Fellowship's Senior Pastor since 1993. Prior to that, he served as Associate Pastor of Sinclair Community Church.
Also Pastor Arlen & Tiffany pastor Rock Springs Worship Center since 2007

The attributes that best describe Pastor Arlen as a pastor are strong compassion, leadership development and love for people. He has expressed a burning desire to lead a church like Abundant Life Fellowship/Rock Springs Worship Center where the Word Of God is embraced, encouraged & demonstrated, with members who care about the needs of those around them and who want to connect others to the body of Christ.

Pastor Arlen takes worship and preaching of the Word very seriously, spending the first hours of his day focused on Prayer & Bible study.

He graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center in 1985 and returned to his home town in Saratoga Wyoming to begin his ministry.

Pastor Arlen has been happily married for 25 years to his wife, Tiffany.

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Gwenaëlle Quin

Worship Pastor

Gwenaëlle Quin was appointed to serve as Abundant Life Fellowship's Worship Pastor March 1, 2019. Prior to that, after her 4th year graduation from Rhema Bible Training Center, served as Worship Minister of an Assembly of God Church in Wagoner Oklahoma.

Born and raised in the South of France, Gwenaëlle led worship and served in other areas in the local church for 15 years, before seeing one of her biggest dreams come to pass as she followed God in the United States. Here, she continued leading worship and training people in different ministries of Rhema Bible Church, Broken Arrow, OK

After her 4th year graduation from Rhema Bible Training Center,

God's dream keeps on unfolding before her eyes, and this is one more reason why she has at heart to encourage people in God's love for them, and challenge them to find and pursue the purposes He has for them. She has a love and passion for the liberating Truth of God's Word, and the simplicity of an intimate relationship with Him!

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Gwenaëlle Quin was appointed to serve as Abundant Life Fellowship's Worship Pastor March 1, 2019. Prior to that, after her 4th year graduation from Rhema Bible Training Center, served as Worship Minister of an Assembly of God Church in Wagoner Oklahoma.

Born and raised in the South of France, Gwenaëlle led worship and served in other areas in the local church for 15 years, before seeing one of her biggest dreams come to pass as she followed God in the United States. Here, she continued leading worship and training people in different ministries of Rhema Bible Church, Broken Arrow, OK

After her 4th year graduation from Rhema Bible Training Center,

God's dream keeps on unfolding before her eyes, and this is one more reason why she has at heart to encourage people in God's love for them, and challenge them to find and pursue the purposes He has for them. She has a love and passion for the liberating Truth of God's Word, and the simplicity of an intimate relationship with Him!

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